Todays government announcement around new measures to try and stop the spread of covid has not resulted in sport being restricted at steps 3 and below. What remains unclear is mixed messages around spectator attendance. In areas that have more restrictive measures ie the North West, Yorkshire and North East spectators have been advised by the government not to attend events but have not been banned. The measure brought in today or the whole of england that will have an impact is for bars to be table service and for closure (not last orders) being 10 pm. The 10pm curfew could impact revenue for mid week games. Table service is also equally impactful as it will depend on the size of the bar as to how many people could be sat at a table and not in more than groups of 6. Being served and standing outside is not allowed. Policing of this could be an issue. For a midweek game esp one where the opposition side has to travel a fair number of miles there must be some health and safety impact on players if they cannot obtain drinks or food readily after a game, I presume that the traditional providing of some form of food be that sandwiches, pasta, sausage and beans etc to the teams straight after the match is not allowed at present.
With potential for further restrictions on games taking place, fans allowed, matches being cancelled due to players, coaches, work colleagues of players and coaches being tested positive for covid the season even though newly started must be at more risk now than a couple of weeks ago. Two clubs (Guernsey and Merthyr Town ) have already asked to not play this season and for their spot in their leagues to be guaranteed for the 2021-22 season due to country restrictions in Guernsey and Wales respectively. Will clubs in locked down English regions be afforded the same guarantee f they ask seems unclear and will cause no doubt issues for season resolutions if the season is completed.
There is a real need for clubs to work together and not look out for their own interests.