This weekend should have been the end of the regular 2019-20 season. The coronavirus pandemic (covid-19) caused the suspension of sports across the world. The last games in the non league pyramid took place on March 14th 2020 with only a handful of leagues allowing games to take place, a number of leagues had already suspended the season. Soon after all leagues within the non league pyramid suspended the remaining fixtures with uncertainty over the next steps. Football within the Premier League and EFL was also suspended.


On March 26th 2020 the fa announced that seasons for steps 3 to 6 of the non league pyramid would be ended with all results expunged basically null and voiding. There would be no promotion or relegation of clubs in these steps and also no promotion to step 2.  The decision would also apply to step 7.


At this stage the fa were still assisting and support non league steps 1 and 2, basically the national league and national league north and south. Steps 1 (national league) and 2 (national league north and south) were given a vote as to whether to end the season but at this stage not how the season would be ended if the vote was to end the season. Across the steps all step 1 clubs were given one vote each with the national league north and national league south given 4 votes each. On April 22nd prior to the deadline set a majority of votes had been returned backing the immediate end of the season.


The national leagues were then given an option as how to end the season, with the question it seems being asked on their views as to whether it would be possible to play playoffs. The deadline for this was Friday 1st May. This appears to be a separate decision for Steps 1 and Steps 2 and there is the possibility that a different outcome would be suggested.


Understandably clubs at step 3 to 6 that stood a chance of promotion have been quite vocal on their displeasure at the season being null and voided. At the time of voiding only Jersey Bulls and Vauxhall Motors had confirmed their promotion. Vocal clubs such as Hastings Utd and South Shields could be overhauled if the season had been continued though a suggested points per game finalizing of the league season would see them as champions of their respective leagues. South Shields at this stage are still exploring the possibility of legal action re the method of ending the season esp. as steps 1 and 2 are being given a choice. Barrow, Yeovil and Notts County have expressed they would like to see promotion and playoffs and the season not voided in the national league.


There is still uncertainty as to how the Premier League and EFL seasons will conclude, the Premier League could probably if allowed could resume behind closed doors, income from television revenue certainly helps them, as for the EFL that probably would not be the case for the vast majority of clubs a decision to null and void without promotion would impact mostly teams that could be promoted from the Championship. The EFL decision is key to the National League is they decide to null and void and/or not relegate then the decision by the National League is immaterial. Though the EFL is running one club down in League 1 due to Bury being expelled earlier in the season so there is a possibility that they could look to fill the missing place but I would suggest would run another season a club light and sort out the following season.


The added complexity for clubs in the National Leagues is that player contracts end this month and loan players will have returned to their parent clubs so to continue with playoffs could be problematic for some. Some clubs have furloughed players and staff, for clubs involved in playoffs then the staff involved would need to be removed from furlough, given the near certainty that games would have to be played without a crowd this could be costly for clubs though it has been suggested by Steve King manager of Welling these games could be completed in a  week so I guess they could be re-furloughed, again there could be issue for part-time players who have other jobs to be available for so many games esp. If there is long distance travelling involved it adds costs. Would play offs be sanctioned by health and safety, emergency services, local authorities, how would social distancing of players be achieved, would they need to be tested.


A government announcement re how removal of lockdown might work and timescales is required, it seems unlikely that events with crowds will be on that list for a number of months. Surely this is the real issue that needs to be planned for; scenarios as to how a 2020/21 season can work in the non league pyramid need to be thought through the fa and leagues need to be working this through with clubs. Given that mothballed clubs still have outgoings there will be a number of clubs that struggle to survive without investment from individuals that own clubs or by generosity from supporters. Numerous clubs have started crowd funding initiatives and selling season tickets. I'm not sure how season tickets will work, Aldershot have stated that their season ticket will cover a number of games and can go into the following season if less games are played on 2020/21. Given that a number of fans could be out of work or on reduced income can clubs expect fans to have the funds for these initiatives. There must be a question mark over sponsorship deals clubs rely on given that most clubs obtain sponsorship from local business whose income will have been down or potentially gone out of business. This could be a turning point for the non league pyramid as we currently know it. There is a danger that only clubs with wealthy investor will survive.


The sad truth is a number of clubs throughout the pyramid will have been impacted by a loss due to covid-19 be that a supporter, volunteer, official, staff.